W. C. Fields on TeePublic

In honor of the birthday of The Great Man Himself (this past Friday), I’ve put my Fields-inspired designs up on TeePublic:

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From left to right: Orange crate stencil from “It’s a Gift” with phony distressing and wood grain, New Old Lompoc House door sign from “The Bank Dick,” and the orange crate stencil ‘like new’ with no grain or distressing.

“My grandfather’s last words, just before they sprung the trap, were: “You can’t cheat an honest man, never give a sucker an even break, or smarten up a chump.”

For Sale: Bissonette’s Blue Bird Oranges Stencil!

Based on these crates seen here:shot0002

I’ve recreated the stencil art, like this:

bissonettes_stencil_rectangular_sticker-r92cd8d7eaba44b8b9b8466e72a6691c0_v9wxo_8byvr_512 bbbo

For the faux-woodgrain sticker, there is a modest amount of phony distressing to the blue art. For the t-shirts, there is no distressing; they are clean and razor-sharp. If you would prefer a distressed version of the shirt art, just ask.