Alien Universe Replica Graphics Update

Alien Universe Replica Graphics.jpg

The recent work on the Conestoga-class patch brings my total to 53 canon and non-canon graphics.

Alien Universe Graphics Update: August 8, 2015

Created the WeylanD-Yutani Corp logo from AlienS. And the WY stencil from the background. And a Sevastopol patch. And a UPC code for my Balaji replica project.

Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 6.28.57 PM copyTweaked my Confed seal from Robot Jox to be more accurate.

Thanks to a boatload of new pics of the BR Blimp, I added a graphic to my BR library. It’s for a color film company. Japanese of course.

Added some noise and ripples and purple to my Nostromo boot-up screen:

Nostromo Red Screen BKG 1

Which are hard to see at this scale….

Alien Universe Replica Graphics Update: August 7, 2015

Got some more work done on these today. Finished my apocryphal tax stamp. Replicated a Sevastopol patch. Replicated an unused graphic by Moebius. Finished the MU-TH-UR circuit pattern last night. Added the “Weylan-Yutani” stacked wordmark from the beer can. Made my own horizontal version of same. Did some guess work and tests on ‘populating’ my Balaji box with text. By which I mean: what does this look like? Looks like a long word and a short word. What could that be? Does XYZ fit here? Does that look like caps and lowercase or caps and small caps? What would a cigarette pack likely say here? What should be on it? UPC code? If so, where? What sides do we not see in the film? Etc, etc… Also tweaked my Nostromo boot-up screen to look more like low-res video. Added noise, etc.

Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 6.21.57 PM